Motorcycle Carburetor SettingThe main task of the carburetor is to mix Fuel (BB) Air (O2). About his range with a ratio of BB: O2 adl 1: 13-15. Anyway gmn how I'll get the engine supply mix that much.
Why use range, whereas the theory of ideal combustion buku2 it 1:14?Jwbannya adl Because of machinery & environments affect mixture settings BB: O2.
For example:Higher compression engines hotter MEAN MEAN need more supply BB let the machine do not breached.Humidity (moisture) environment higher MEANS BB contaminated water mixture, mix MEANS getting poorer, more hrs MEANS gasoline.Low environmental temperature MEAN MEAN working temperature down gasoline engines must be reduced for the working temperature of the engine so ideal.Bobokan exhaust (free flow) higher rpm MEAN MEAN MEAN need the engine temperature increases the higher BB.And many more parameters that must diperhatiin including inlet design on the block who b'pengaruh dg setting nozzle as the dealer BB.That theory basically.
Setting karbu:Karbu PNY 2 spuyer:One main jet (tuk NSR std size 130) reply meyalurkan play BB at about half throttle or more roundsOne fruit of the pilot jet (NSR std size 45) who plays BB distribute gas from round 0 degrees until full, cm effect of this jet pilots could be said not very significant at full throttle engine rpm N-me-high.Another thing which affects the setting include:
Venturi size karbuNeedles skepticismStelan windPower jet.Venturi karbu bigger the more air that needs through nozzle allows for greater good spy pilot or main jet mixture can be fitted.
Then, when we raise ato spuyer2 shrink again?
Previously hrs gejala2 know first time machine and mostly lack of BB BB:
Why use range, whereas the theory of ideal combustion buku2 it 1:14?Jwbannya adl Because of machinery & environments affect mixture settings BB: O2.
For example:Higher compression engines hotter MEAN MEAN need more supply BB let the machine do not breached.Humidity (moisture) environment higher MEANS BB contaminated water mixture, mix MEANS getting poorer, more hrs MEANS gasoline.Low environmental temperature MEAN MEAN working temperature down gasoline engines must be reduced for the working temperature of the engine so ideal.Bobokan exhaust (free flow) higher rpm MEAN MEAN MEAN need the engine temperature increases the higher BB.And many more parameters that must diperhatiin including inlet design on the block who b'pengaruh dg setting nozzle as the dealer BB.That theory basically.
Setting karbu:Karbu PNY 2 spuyer:One main jet (tuk NSR std size 130) reply meyalurkan play BB at about half throttle or more roundsOne fruit of the pilot jet (NSR std size 45) who plays BB distribute gas from round 0 degrees until full, cm effect of this jet pilots could be said not very significant at full throttle engine rpm N-me-high.Another thing which affects the setting include:
Venturi size karbuNeedles skepticismStelan windPower jet.Venturi karbu bigger the more air that needs through nozzle allows for greater good spy pilot or main jet mixture can be fitted.
Then, when we raise ato spuyer2 shrink again?
Previously hrs gejala2 know first time machine and mostly lack of BB BB:
1. "Ngempos" are symptoms such as loss of engine power due to shortage of distinguished BB
2. "Mberebet" adl symptoms distinguished the engine actually feels like a restrained power cm solid and sometimes accompanied by the sound clash of metal settingannya if too wet.
Kl NGEMPOS mean machine takes BB, BB kl brebet most machines.
CasesWell here kasus2 krn yg common jet pilot issues:Motor kl am hard to live krn ngempos opened so gas continues to die ya mean naekin jet pilot.Motor dah tiba2 road but often lose power during low speed rotation N gas means naekin pilot jetMotor over heat as the road often means asking naek slow jet pilotMotor brebet in lap down but good on the put on the pilot jet is too big.Motor not use the choke kl N can directly start the morning(This is not normal jg) means the pilot hrs down.
In conclusion, there kl ngempos symptoms, high temperatures are relatively low diputaran who then asked naek pilot jet, N kl there brebet symptoms in low-jg put down the pilot hrs.
Then tuk kasus2 mainjet:Mtr brought kebut2an so until then finish the round on the road so ngempos coupled pelan2 asep ngebul MEANS temperature increases dramatically at high speed main jet requested ride MEANSBreath motor on lap top is too long mean mainjet requested ride.Mtr ngelitik whereas the other normal engine temperature MEAN VERY HIGH when the lap top requested MEANS main jet ride.Motor brebet in the put on the main jet just means asking downetc.In conclusion, if mtr brebet in the put on the main jet means hrs down, if mtr high temperature in the lap of the main jet is asked to rise.
Note:Each nozzle shall be no change in size wind settingsDo not be based on the temperature indicator on the dashboard tuk krn setting guidelines would not fit, it takes a strong jockey who feelingnya dah.Sometimes detonation can not be treated with naekin spuyer if detonasinya already severe. This means that there are abnormalities in other engine components.
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